Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Secret of Peaches

This is a sequel to the book Peaches, and must say this book was not my favorite, but I definitely liked it. It was about three girls, Birdy, who lives on a peach grove and was brought up very casual, Murphy, who is very wild and loves attention, and Leeda, birdie’s cousin who was brought up very proper. who had become friends over summer by working at a peach farm. At first they didn’t like each other at all, but as summer passed went through many ups and downs, and eventually became inseparable. Now they are back to school and they have to start making hard decisions about where they are going to go to college and what they are going to do with their lives. Murphy has always thought she was too big for such a small town, and the only school she applied to was NYU. But she still has her boyfriend, Rex, who she tries to get to go with her, but he decides his life is there, in the small town. Then there is Leeda, who has spent her entire life trying to please her mom, which pays no attention to her and constantly lets her down. Leeda decides to do one last thing to get her mom to like her, she becomes pecan queen, as her whole family has been, but her mom lets her down once more, and she finally decides that pleasing people is not what she wants to do anymore, she wants to live for herself and she begins to drift away from Birdy and Murphy. Last of all there is Birdie, she is trying to make her long distance relationship work with Enrico, and has her whole life planned out already. But when Enrico comes over for thanksgiving and they get a little too close, she is scared God will punish her and so when her dad gets her tickets to go see him in Mexico she tries to waste all the time she has with him. If you want to know how everything turns out, read the book!

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